Here is what ADONAI says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask about the ancient paths, ‘Which one is the good way?’ Take it, and you will find rest for your souls…  Jeremiah 6:16

Who Are we?
Olive Tree is a multifaceted ministry, that is first calling people back to God with a whole heart. (Shuva – Hebrew for repentance and returning).  We desire to see people healed, delivered, and prepared to walk out the end time mandate for all believers.


One of the most dynamic changes in the history of the faith is in the process of taking place. It has been happening over the past few years and will continue in the coming years before Yeshua (Jesus) comes.  Many will not recognize this and will even fight or stand against this because they do not understand it.  In other words, It is not church or faith as we have known it.  While there is a lot of foolishness going on both in the church and in false works claiming to be the Lord… there is also a dynamic move of God, such as the earth has never witnessed.  We are living in exciting and dangerous times.   “God is in the process of bringing things into order.”  Some have a real problem with this statement, but things have been so “out of order” in the earth according to God’s word. It is just the process of man’s ideas and ways coming to nothing (even destruction) like Romans 1:18-32 until the Lord steps in and sets things in His order in the Millennium.
Ages are colliding, this past age is colliding with the Kingdom age, the Kingdom is coming.  Many changes will take place in the earth. The end times scenarios of the Scriptures are about to play out.  It will be a time like never before on earth.

One of the major moves of God  will be an end time awakening revival.  Bob Jones said over a billion people will be saved in this time.  An Isaiah 61 move of God will ignite across the planet to bring in souls, causing people to Return to God with a whole heart, a transformation of the Church like has not been seen since the 1st Century. This will bring order to His Church and ultimately at the end of the age bring the fullness of the Kingdom.


As in the days of Nehemiah, the Lord put it on Nehemiah’s heart to return and restore God’s Holy City, Jerusalem, and its walls. (Nehemiah 2)
God used Nehemiah and others who shared the desire to see the city restored so national life could be resumed. The restoration came in several parts,
first the people, then the City, then the Temple, then God’s ways.

The Call for Olive Tree
You will rebuild the ancient ruins, raise foundations from ages past, and be called “Repairer of broken walls, Restorer of streets to live in.” (Isaiah 58:12)
In Hebrew “shuva” means returning… returning in every aspect to the Lord.  Make Him first and everything else falls into its ordained order. Restoring His Ways and His Heart, The Heart of The Father, to His people.  Jesus came to do the will of His Father. He was our example. He only did what He saw His Father do, and He only said what He heard His Father say.

Olive Tree Vision – Restoration of His Ways    
(for more see our Mandate- Restoration Begins from the Roots)

  1. To know Him and Make Him Known – To help people understand His Ways, His Plans and His Purposes
  2. Living a lifestyle that is set apart to God.  A life of fellowship (24/7) with the Lord through our walk, worship, prayer, fasting and the Word.

Fulfilling the Vision by:

  • Discipleship and Leadership meetings/internships
  • Eventual Night and Day (24/7) Prayer and Worship
  • School of Ministry
  • Equipping the Body of Messiah for End time Harvest

Networking and Serving  Church leaders, ministry leaders and the Body of Messiah
The Watch words for today:
Sh’ma (Hear and respond) and Shuva (Come to or Return to G-d) these were the messages of the Prophets,
John the Immerser, Yeshua the Messiah, and His Apostles after Him. 

What is God Doing?
The Restoration of All things: Acts 3:19-21

OTIM and what we have to offer

We are available for Ministry

We are available to

Speak at for Meeting, Churches or Conferences

Kin is available to play Set drums or Percussion for Conferences

    Olive Tree School of Ministry Courses and subjects

    Hearing The Voice of The Lord
    The Love of The Father
    Bitter Roots Judgments
    From Orphan To Sonship

    The Song of Solomon
    End Times Overview
    End Times 101
    End Times 201

    Prophetic 101

    Prophetic Evangelism

    Dreams and Visions

    Worship Workshop

    Drums & Percussion in Worship

    Hebraic Roots of Biblical Faith

    Why Study Our Hebraic Roots?
    What is it we don’t know as believers and were never told?
    The Real Historical account of what happened to the early church
    Biblical Faith: Shouldn’t We As Believers, Know Everything about our Faith?
    Biblical Time, The Biblical Calendar and Festivals Overview
    Overview per Festival
    Hebraic Roots 101
    Hebraic Roots 201
    Introduction to the Festivals of the Lord
    Biblical Festivals 101
    Biblical Festivals 201
    Biblical Festivals 301
    Hebrew Idioms, Parallelisms and Poetic
    Passover Demonstrations
    Influence – Jerusalem or Athens- Developing a Hebraic Mindset

    We offer teaching to other ministries and Churches
    on the Hebraic Roots of our faith from Children, to simple basic overviews, to College Level courses.

    OTIM Affiliations

    Tikkun International / World For Jesus Ministries / Hebraic Christian Global Community